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Tokyo Modern (gendai) Haiku Poet Symposium: “Four Generations”
Notable Haiku Poets of the (Japan) Modern (gendai) Haiku Association
Recorded July 2010 and subtitled in English, March 2014

Click on each poet's name or
photo, for bio and translated haiku.

Kawana Tsugio
Executive member of the yearbook of the MHA.
Ikeda Sumiko
Winner of the MHA Award, 1989 and the Sisakon Haiku Award 2006; selection committee member for the Kadokawa Haiku Award.

Maeda Hiroshi
Chief editor of the MHA journal; winner of the MHA Award, 2012. Leader of the journal-group "The Gear."
Oi Tsuneyuki
Selection committee member for the Modern Haiku Association New Poet Award; a leader of the journal-group "Ani."

Morisu Ran  
Organizer of the Tokyo chapter of the MHA.
Takatô Akane
One of the youngest poets of the MHA.

Richard Gilbert, Ito Yuki & David Ostman —
Kon Nichi Translation Group moderators & translators.
German subtitles (from English) by Ralf Bröker.

Please click the "CC" button in the video frame to turn on English or German subtitles.
Please click the "CC" button in the video frame to turn on English or German subtitles.
Please click the "CC" button in the video frame to turn on English or German subtitles.
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Tokyo Modern (gendai) Haiku Poet Symposium: “Four Generations”

Director/Producer: Richard Gilbert, Ph.D., Faculty of Letters, Kumamoto University.
Interview Translation: Ito Yuki, David Ostman, Richard Gilbert.
Camera: David Ostman.
German subtitles (from English): Ralf Bröker

Research supported by a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Grant in Aid for Scientific Research and the
Japan Ministry of Education (MEXT) (KAKENHI 24520628).

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